Thursday, September 29, 2011


I'd like to recommend a recently released mini-documentary called 180; subtitled 33 minutes that will rock your world.

For me, the beginning of the documentary was very confusing. I'd been told that it was about abortion: pro-life vs. pro-choice. The movie starts however, with Ray Comfort interviewing people on the street about the holocaust. This part of the movie is disturbing enough. It amazed me to see that so many people have no idea what the holocaust was, or who Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were.

The questioning then takes an interesting "what-if" ethical twist. Interviewees are asked about what they would do in different hypothetical situations. The answers are eyebrow-raising.

I won't spoil the "plot" for you, or explain how the subject of abortion has anything to do with this. Instead, I'll ask you to invest the 33 minutes it takes to sit down and watch it:


Terri said...

so powerful. thank you for sharing.

Bernard said...

Thanks for your comment, Terri, I'm glad you found it helpful. Can I encourage you to share this movie link with others? Facebook is a very effective way to share this movie.